Hot Tools is a hair tools brand that is loved by professional stylists and nobody wants to buy a fake luxury Hot Tools hair tool. A question that many people have got is whether the Hot Shot Tools is just another counterfeit? To help answer that question, we’ve compared Hot Tools with Hot Shot Tools, so you can see exactly what’s different here.
Is Hot Shot Tools A Fake Brand?
If you are wondering if Hot Shot Tools is a Hot Tools copy, the answer is No. Hot Shot Tools is a legit brand and it looks like Hot Tools for reasons.
The brand – Hot Shot Tools, is also run by Hot Tools, and the products are manufactured from the same factory as Hot Tools. For people who are familiar with Hot Tools, their dryers, and curling irons are durable and reliable. And the Hot Shot Tools hair tools are also considered the top-level quality in the industry, which makes their hair tools come with relatively high prices as well.
Hot Tools vs. Hot Shot Tools – What’s The Difference?
Technically, Hot Shot Tools and Hot Tools are the same because they both provide identical hair tools including hair dryers, flat irons, curling wands, and hot brushes.
But, some Hot Shot Tools models can not be found in the store of Hot Tools, and their products have a clear “Hot Shot Tools” text logo on the body. Sally Beauty is the place where you can find most Hot Shot Tools products, which are not easy to get on other platforms. For example, the Rose Gold 2 Inch Digital Flat Iron is an exclusive product from Hot Shot Tools.
And Hot Tools and Hot Shot Tools sometimes have different color options for an identical product model. For example, if you are buying a hair dryer brush from Hot Tools, you will see there are two options – 24k gold or black gold. However, the Hot Shot Tools offers a purple edition hair dryer brush on Sally Beauty.
Hot Tools vs. Hot Shot Tools – Which One Should I Buy
I highly recommend you start with Hot Tools if you have not tried any Hot Tools products, they are popular on many retail platforms and you can purchase the latest hair tools of Hot Tools. Tons of the bestsellers of hair tools are created by the Hot Tools. As for Hot Shot Tools, they can be your plan B if you are looking for a special Hot Tools hair tool model.
Besides, the product types of Hot Shot Tools are much fewer compared to Hot Tools, and the last post on the Hot Shot Tools’s official Facebook page was posted a few years ago. So I believe the Hot Tools will also have a better support team in 2020 as it may take more time to contact the Hot Shot Tools.
Overall, you can treat Hot Shot Tools as a secret menu of Hot Tools. And you may find some surprising hair tools if you love the original Hot Tools products. Otherwise, sticking with the latest Hot Tools hair tools should be the best choice.
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