Babyliss Pro Prima 3000 vs 3100: which straightener is right for you?


If you’re looking for a professional straightening iron, Babyliss Pro is a go-to option. But the Prima 3000 vs 3100 question has probably come up – they almost look identical, but they do have a few differences when it comes to straightening performance. They’re almost the same except for the plate size There’s no question … Read more

Bio Ionic One Pass Vs 10X Styling Iron – How Do They Compare


Those shopping for a new high-end flat iron have many options, and Bio Ionic is a brand that is pretty worth considering. One of the best sellers from Bio Ionic – OnePass styling iron powered by NanoIonic MX, is always a popular choice on the market. Besides the famous OnePass styling iron, Bio Ionic also … Read more

Landot 2-in-1 Twist Curling Straightening Iron Review – A Great Low-Cost Option


You’ve probably heard there are some versatile hair tools that can work as different hair stylers including flat irons and curlers. But you probably don’t know that the price of a 2-in-1 hair tool can be less than 25 dollars. The Landot 2-in-1 twist curling straightening iron, a top seller on Amazon, is one of … Read more